Our Impact
Qualitative Data Stats (Feb-June 2024):
10,000+ Verified Participants
(200% Year 1 Goal)
150+ Sites in 12 Countries
1000+ Watch hours
Snapshot: St Marks Anglican Church, Sydney
Impact Analysis (Faith):
Confirmed faith professions from Feb-June 2024 Cohort.
92 Estimated faith professions from Feb-June Cohort. (20% of Year 1 Metric)
of participants have become more spiritually curious as a result of watching xp. season 1.
(stage 1: gospel movement)
groups/participants have continued meeting after watching xp. season 1
(ongoing discipleship pathway/retenion KPI)
Snapshot: Cornerstone College, Adelaide
Impact Analysis (Faith):
Agree or strongly agree: hosts were fun, relatable and engaging
Agree or strongly agree: discussion questions were effective in helping students engage with material
Industry Quality: xp. season 1 nominated for an award
(Nominated in Perth Christian Film Festival and Christian Media and Arts Awards Australia
Snapshot: First Baptist, Eugene Oregon
News and Media:
The Gospel Coalition
Impressive ‘Xp.’ Youtube Series seeks to reach unchurched youth
Snapshot: IgniteYouth, Brisbane