Aussie as
Discussion based
xp. is a discussion based resource that helps young Aussies explore life and faith. We want young Aussies to become become curious about something more. (We’re asking the questions before the questions.)
‘xp.’ stands for ‘experience points.’ Gamers get experience points for completing questions and actions in games. We sometimes play life like that, right?
But what if life’s more than just accumulating xp.? Christians believe all our experiences are leading us to explore and consider relationship with Jesus.
xp. is for young Aussies (13-20) who don’t have a faith background, and have little or no exposure to spirituality and existential conversations.
Yes there’s a leaders guide packed with extra questions, activities, session plans and everything you need to run a great group.
You’ll be sent a link to the leaders guide when you sign up at xpfilmseries.com/run
Grab your group: Jesus loved to be with others and so do we. xp. works best in groups.
Grab some food: Jesus loved to eat food with people and so do we. xp. sessions work best when there’s a feed – so make sure you eat before, or after and during together. (Don’t skip this)
Grab xp.: Jesus loved engaging people with questions and rippa stories and so do we. Each episode has a bunch of stories and 3 breakout discussions designed to start (not finish) a conversation.
(If you want some help doing that well we’ll be adding some resources shortly to help you do that stuff well)
Yep! We’re pitched a little earlier in the faith journey than other resources. It’s where the research says most young people are at culturally and spiritually. (This might be a dierent faith space than the one you’re used to.)
We’re slowing down and walking at a dierent pace. (You’ll probably want to get to the Jesus stu quicker than we do (season 3). You might need to be patient and give the process a chance.)
We’re asking some dierent questions and not jumping to answers. Our goal is to facilitate exploration and create curiosity. (Have you learned that your job is to provide all the answers?)
9 x ~10 mins each. (episode 7 is a bit longer- feel free to split that episode if you need)
Customize session content to fit your group needs and desired length. Lunchtime groups may just run the videos, small groups might want longer and do more.
Treat the session plans like a buet. Take what you want and leave what you don’t.
We’re not precious. We trust that you know what you need for your context.
The xp. team collaborated on season 1 with an interdenominational group of Australian youth ministry practitioners.